Treasure Planet
This is Disney's futuristic twist on the classic 'Treasure Island' by Robert Louis Stevenson. The story follows a young boy Jim, who comes into possession of a map when an alien ship crash lands on the dock of his mothers café. The alien tells the boy that cyborgs are after the map and to keep it safe. Cyborgs land and destroy the café whilst our new heroes narrowly escape. Once taking it to one of the local scientist, he opens the orb like map and it shows directions to Treasure Planet.
Before we know it, they have already sorted out a crew, ship and its captain ready to make the voyage through space. Whilst entering the ship we are introduced to some interesting characters that are obviously the pirates and its only a matter of time until a mutiny begins and they are in charge. Jim enters the lower deck and kitchen to be greeted by this films Long John Silver. A big fella with cyborg eye and leg rather than an eye patch and wooden leg. Instantly there's the feeling that he will be the leader as Jim starts questioning him about names and ideas that some cyborgs are looking for the map in his possession.
The ride changes and so does Jim's opinion of Silver as he sticks up for him when the other crew are making life hard on him, starting fights and actually threatening to kill him. He's not too easy though as he makes him a deck hand and gives him some of the worst jobs while on board. Silver becomes impressed with his work ethic and it isn't long until he takes a shine to the boy and its evident on screen. They eventually form a tight bond after discussing that Jim never really had his father, so now Silver feels he should step up. A song plays, but isn't sung like many other Disney films and this leads to a good old fashioned montage of Jim's early life, experiences with his father and also back to present days of him flying a small ship. This film isn't set on the sea but in space and although you'd expect space ships, they actually travel on sail ships with massive engines on the back and the smaller ships still have one mast. I may have missed something but It was a little confusing to how they have absolutely no problem with breathing in space on open decks.
After the cheery scene, everything takes a turn for the worse and a star explodes and the ship is dragged towards a black hole. Silver nearly goes over board but is saved by Jim. Sonic waves emerge, each one rocking the ship and it's Jim's job to make sure everyone is tied down for the last hits and the captain wants to use the momentum to thrust the ship out of danger. Arrow, the first mate is thrown over board by the turbulence but is tied down so hangs there until one of the more sinister pirates appears and cuts his line sending him to death. This is all blamed on Jim because it was his job. Silver does his best to raise the spirits of his new apprentice and once he goes to bed, he tells his little morph friend that he had better watch how he acts in case the crew think he's gone soft.
The next morning, Morph fancies playing about and Jim follows him into the galley and into a barrel where he stays as the pirates and Silver come below deck for a chat. Jim learns all about the mutiny and that Silver is the mastermind behind it all. He breaks Jim's heart by stating to the others that he has been lying all along with the stuff he said to Jim in order to gain his trust and stop him being suspicious. Someone shouts on deck that they have arrived at the planet and every rushes above deck. Jim slowly gets out and goes to climb the stairs until Silver comes back below, Shocked to see him, but aware that Jim must have heard the things that were said, they stand off until Jim stabs his leg hydraulics and makes a run for it. The mutiny begins and Jim, Doctor Delbert and the Captain make a run for a skiff. Morph, as usual, is playful and steals the map off Jim and runs away with it, Jim and Silver are trying to call Morph in order to get the map back. Jim manages to pick it up and jumps for the skiff which is shot and crash lands onto the planet injuring the captain.
Once the three sort themselves out, Amelia the captain asks for the map and as Jim takes it out, it turns out to me Morph in disguise, the map was still on the ship. Jim looks for a safe place for them to hide out and comes across a confused robot named B.E.N. His memory is pretty non-existent but what he does remember is that he was put there to protect the treasure after being the navigator for its owner, Flint. The trio and bucket of bolts go into hiding and soon the pirates surround the hideout and demand that Silver can have a word with Jim. Jim knowing that Silver doesn't actually know where the map is, refuses to help him out. Jim heads back to the ship with the help of B.E.N and get the real map. Jim and one of the pirates end up tussling and the anti gravity is knocked off throwing them upwards to the mast until the pirate floats into space as Jim holds onto the pirate flag.
When they get back on the surface, they hold out the map for the rest to see, only for the pirates and Silver to walk out of the shadows with the Doc and Captain tied up. Silver demands that Jim uses the map and they take the skiff, following the laser trail until it reveals a plug in the ground to insert the map ball. Jim inserts it and a portal is opened up along with a galaxy, every planet clicked on, changes the portal to that planet. Jim clicks the treasure planet icon and the centre of the planet is revealed, with everyone rushing through once they see the shiny coins. A laser trip wire is cut and soon the core begins to self destruct, Jim runs onto a ship and sees the corpse of Flint holding what seems to be part of B.E.N, his memory. Some of the pirates get lost in the molten centre and Silver himself is torn between his life long treasure dream and saving Jim. He picks the boy he's grown fond of and escapes back to the main ship with all the good characters in tow. The ship, now damaged will never make it off the planet now but Jim has an idea, aim for the portal and he'll race to it to change the planet. The usual kind of scene in these movies happens, his make shift vehicle fails, restarts and he saves the day in the nick of time.
Amelia orders the other pirates to be sent to jail as Jim sends Silver on his way only after catching him trying to leave without saying goodbye. Morph stays with Jim and Silver says how fond he is of Jim whilst chucking some gems his way to pay for his mother's café that was destroyed at the beginning. The movie ends with most people in the café celebrating, Jim walking in, in a cadet's uniform for his homecoming and walking outside to see a happy face of Silver in the clouds.
Although I have seen the Muppet's treasure island, I haven't read the book or seen the original film. It was still easy to see the similarities between those films and how they had changed certain aspects for it to be set in the future and in space. It was an ok film for a Disney that I hadn't seen and the graphics reminded me of Atlantis which was recently a first time watch for me too. When I've been watching as many Disney films recently before travelling to Disney World, Florida, it quickly became just another film that I may never watch again. But at the time, it was still enjoyable.