Time for a comedy and a well-cast one too. It's hard to believe that this storyline will be based on true events, with an actual gang of mates who live by this game at times. It's known that this is a movie and everything will be exaggerated but it's still a cool concept to bring lifelong friends back together. The cast chosen for this one range from Jeremy Renner and Ed Helms, through to Jon Hamm and Isla Fisher. Each one has the potential to bring their own spin to comedy acting. This movie wasn't advertised much in my area or local cinema so I have no idea what to expect. Does this have the ability to get us involved in the game or leave us claiming that it's 'Not It'?
This gang has been playing the game since 1983 and it takes place every May, no earlier and no later. Jerry, played by Renner is the only guy that has never ever been tagged and he prides himself on this. Hoagie, played by Helms, shows up at Bob's office in disguise, in order to tag him. The guy is in a meeting but still has time to play when surprised. Hoagie's main mission is to recruit all the guys in order to finally tag Jerry, due to a rumour that he is going to retire from the game due to marriage. The meeting the Bob, played by Hamm, was in, was with a Wall Street Journal reporter, who suddenly becomes interested in these guys and their story. They are also accompanied by Hoagie's wife, played by Fisher. She is a complete nutcase, taking this really seriously.
The gang make it back to their hometown and locate Jerry in an attempt for a kick tag. They ambush at night in his wedding venue but we quickly drop into Jerry's mindset, who, like a Sherlock Holmes wannabe, breaks down all scenarios in slow motion and still ends the night untagged.
He introduces the gang to his future wife and the rest claim how unhappy they are that they're left without an invite to the wedding. They all agree, with a request from the future wife, that no-one is to play tag at any wedding-related events. Despite this, they all carry on and have a go at doing so. One of the attempts leaves them all in the forest, trapped by Jerry, who yet again is untouchable. During the rehearsal dinner, the future wife Susan, reveals that she is having a baby.
The group feel defeated but hatch a new plan which involves striking at Jerry in his AA meeting on the morning of the wedding. They are all cleverly disguised as the other members and after locking all the doors, Jerry has no option but to lock himself in the kitchen. This obviously puts the wedding at risk and in comes Susan. He's been in there for hours and the wedding is at risk. She demands they let him and she instantly starts feeling pain, a miscarriage is on the horizon. One of the lads, Chilli, thinks that it's all bullshit and just another way for Jerry to get away. This divides the gang as they think its real, Jerry is clearly upset and they leave. The all get a text stating that the wedding is delayed due to a potential miscarriage. Anna is ahead of the game though. Fisher's character has been on Instagram and noticed that the bridesmaids have all posted pictures that makes it seem that everything is going ahead as normal! Crazed by the trick, the gang get back together and crash the wedding.
The hoax is confirmed by Susan, who was in on it all along. Hoagie is the angriest he has ever been and plans on tagging Jerry at the best moment, when they are going in for the kiss during the ceremony. In a slow-motion attempt, he misses the tag and instead takes out the pastor. Hoagie then loses consciousness but Jerry puts it down to another hoax. Anna comes forward and lets them all know that this isn't fake. Hoagie is really ill and they need an ambulance.
We are sent to a hospital as Hoagie wakes and he comes clean to his friends that he lied about Jerry wanting to quit. He actually wanted to get everyone together because it may be his last year. He has a tumor and liver cancer, which could mean that he isn't around for next year. This hits the gang hard and none more so that Jerry. He lets Hoagie be the first to tag him, this leads them to playing the game around the hospital and even changing the rules so that Anna and the other girls can join in too. Before the film finally comes to a close, we are treated to the real players. There are pictures of them and even videos that they had filmed, sneaking up on each other and tagging their mates.
There isn't actually too much you can say about this movie. When it comes to the story, obviously it's very loosely based on the true events but all in all, it's a really fun picture. This is something so simple yet so original that it is and feels completely fresh, chucking any audience member back into the school ground. The cast was brilliant as each one was unique to the story, whether it ranged from seriousness or downright crazy pants. Seeing footage of the real lads who have played it for so long was a really nice touch and reminded the audience that indeed it was a story about this group of friends. The plot may have been really thin but it was added to by some good writing and when it came to Renner's character, I was left in stitches. There were some great, laugh out loud moments so do not let the idea of this movie deter you from enjoying a comedy that you wouldn't have seen before.