Avengers: Infinity War
The film that every Marvel fan, a fan of the MCU and nearly anyone who is a fan of comics, have been waiting for. 10 years on from Iron Man and we have hit something that is going to change the landscape for the future. After all those movies, after credits scenes, theories about what is going to happen, we have come down to this. This is going to be a movie that we know will be in two parts, with this one containing a death or maybe deaths of some major characters. Treating myself to watching this in Odeon IMax, I couldn't wait to sit down and watch this, probably more than once. Every character we have come to know, including a few more, will come together in what promises to be an epic movie. Let's not hope it feels like this movie goes on for an infinite amount of minutes.
The movie begins with how it finished at the end of Thor: Ragnarok. Thanos and his children have boarding Thor's ship, killed nearly everyone and set their sights on one thing. Hulk puts up a bit of a fight but is completely out-shone by Thanos. They know Loki has the Space stone, which was inside the Tesseract. They get to Loki by hurting Thor, who is held down. Once Loki hands over the stone, to which would be Thanos' second stone after smashing up Xander and the Power stone, seen in the first Guardians movie, Loki begs for Thor's life. Thanos knows that betrayal is coming and snaps Loki's neck before he can be stabbed himself and we instantly have our first death of a decent sized character. Heimdall quickly uses the bifrost to send the Hulk back to Earth before being killed himself. Thanos and the crew leave, leaving the ship to destroy itself with all of the damage.
Back on Earth, Hulk lands in the Sanctum looked after by Dr Strange, before reverting back to Bruce Banner, uttering Thanos' name and his arrival. Here come the official opening credits and then we head to Tony Stark and Pepper, before Strange opens a portal and summons Tony to follow him to the Sanctum, where he briefs him and reintroduces him to Bruce. Obviously Banner was away for Civil War so has no idea that the Avengers have disbanded. They realise that they need to protect vision, seeing as he has a stone in his forehead. That means getting in touch with Steve Rodgers, who has gone off the grid with a few others. Just then, there seems a slight earthquake but it's really two of Thanos' children hovering a spacecraft nearby. Looking for the Time stone, which is around Strange's neck, they take him, after his refusal and a couple of quick-witted responses. Banner isn't much help. Hulk refuses to show face after being beaten to a pulp the last time he came across the whole gang. From inside a school bus, on a bridge nearby, we see Peter Parker have a little spidey-sense and instantly turn to see the spaceship. Que the Stan Lee cameo, who is the driver of the bus, as Peter heads out as Spiderman and sets his target for the ship. After they set off with Strange, Spiderman jumps aboard and Iron man follows suit. Just as Peter is running out of air, Tony radios back for the Iron Spider outfit to be sent up, instantly attaching itself to Peter. Iron Man cuts himself inside the ship and tells Spiderman's suit to deploy his parachute, taking him back to Earth. This doesn't work though, as Peter clings on and sneaks inside the closing doors of the ship.
Back in space and the music instantly figures that we are about to have the Guardians of the Galaxy on our screen. They are responding to an emergency beacon, sent out by Thor's ship. After picking him up, he revives himself and guesses that Thanos will be after the reality stone, which is in the possession of the Collector. Firstly he must get a new weapon after his hammer has been destroyed. He orders the rest of the crew to head to Knowhere and find the Collector. Thor takes Rocket and Groot with him and heads out.
This leads us to Edinburgh, where this gang is hiding out and after my excitement of seeing a street that I've actually had a beer on, two of Thanos's kids set upon Maximoff and Vision, who have snuck away for a date. They are saved by the unveiling of Steve Rodgers and his new beard, along with Black Widow and Falcon. Right then we get a flashback. A flashback of a young Gamora and who she met Thanos. He was on her home planet and killed half of the population. She kept her mind at ease and away from the killing, finally taking her aboard his ship and away from her life. Once the 'Morons', named by Thor and Rocket, arrive at Knowhere. They are ambushed by Thanos, who sets a trap and knows they would arrive. He already has the stone, creating a fake reality as a trap and now he takes Gamora. He dismantles both Mantis and Drax. She has already asked Quill to kill her if she ever got captured. This moment comes but he freezes and Thanos takes her. His main intention is to take her because she knows the location of the Soul stone. As he's left, Drax and Mantis come back to life, thankfully not adding to the death toll.
Back to Cap and the gang and they head straight to an Avengers Facility in New York and meet up with Rhodes, who is ordered to arrest them. He obviously refuses, who now has some new legs and Vision needs Maximoff to destroy the stone in his head. She's the only one powerful enough to do so but refuses because of their weird and un-needed love story. Instead, they head to a place that may be the only refuge for them, Wakanda. Before they arrive, we have a scene where Bucky, the Winter Soldier is handed a new arm. The movie is switching back and fore quite a bit but it's really working. The story is linking together really well.
Iron Man and Spiderman head to rescue Strange from Maw's torture and do this by creating a hole in the side of the ship and Maw being sucked out into space. He was such a good villain. On deciding what to do next, Strange votes retreat, to protect the stone but Stark votes to take the fight to Thanos and away from Earth.
Within all this time, Thor and the 'boys' have made it to where the weapons get made and there is one dwarf left after making Thanos' gauntlet. It's Peter Dinkladge, who is playing a giant dwarf. Thor restarts the star and has a giant axe created for himself, which needs a handle. Groot breaks off his arm and uses it for the axe, bringing back a weakened Thor to full strength, if not more. It even gives him the power of the bifrost. Rocket even gave Thor a false eye for his troubles. A quick seen back at Thanos' prison and we see Nebula escaping and sending out a message to Mantis to meet her on Titan. Back to Iron Man's trio and they get to Titan, Thanos' home planet and crash land before having their ship broken into by the 'Morons' of the Galaxy. Quill, Drax, Mantis, Spidey and Iron Man are holding each other to gunpoint, until they reveal who they really are and that they all know Thor. They all make a plan to defeat the Titan and removing the Infinity Gauntlet from his hand. In the background, we can see Strange looking into the future, at all options on how to win and after millions, he only sees one.
Thanos and Gamora have made it to where the stone is. She reveals the location after torturing Nebula in front of her sister. There, the guardian of the stone is the freeking Red Skull from the first Cap moving. He reveals that getting the stone comes at a heavy price, sacrificing something that he loves. Gamora finds this funny as Thanos starts crying. His tears aren't because he doesn't love anything though, it's because he knows he loves Gamora and throws her off the cliff, killing her. Death toll rising, he retrieves the stone and we cut off there. I almost choked up watching that scene.
At Wakanda, Shuri is trying to surgically remove the stone from Visions purple forehead. Thanos' army has also arrived outside the force field. They instantly begin attacking, willing to kill themselves to bring down the power of the city's shield. What's left of the Avengers, along with Black Panther and his army, open the shields and begin the fight. One of Thanos' kids has made it upstairs to begin a fight with Vision, who still has the stone attached. On Titan, everyone is fighting with Thanos, even Nebula. Before this, he reveals about his home planet, how there were too many mouths to feed so needed to half the population to survive. He carried this onto other worlds and then finally wanting it for the Universe. . Finally, they bring him to their knees, with everyone holding him down, Mantis putting him into a trance and they try to rip they gauntlet from his hand. Whilst in a trance, Thanos keeps uttering Gamora's name after Quill asks about her and Mantis reveals that his thoughts are of mourning. This makes Quill question Gamora's location before Nebula realises he has the Soul stone and knowing what that means, reveals that she is dead. Quill completely loses his shit and attacks Thanos, who breaks out of the trance, takes back the Gauntlet.
The gang is starting to become overwhelmed, just as Thor, Rocket and Groot arrive in an absolutely assume and probably my favourite scene from the movie. Kicking ass and taking names. Then we have a scene with just the female fighters battling everyone because, you know, girl power and everyone will protest on the streets if it didn't happen. Thanos brings a planet down on the gang before he stabs Iron Man. Strange, acting like a broken man, asks Thanos to spare Stark if he gives him the Stone that he is guarding. Taking it and disappearing, the gang is left alone to question their choices. Stupid Quill. Does Strange know that this was the only way though? After seeing all those futures, maybe this was the only choice after all.
Only one person is left to arrive. Thanos. He does and Vision instantly demands Maximoff to crack on, destroying his head. She does so through tears and with the other hand, holds back Thanos. Powerful bitch. He has already made light work of everyone else. Once the stone and Vision are destroyed, he holds Maximoff and feels sorry for her. Now that he has the Time stone, he turns time back, reviving Vision and picking the stone from his head like someone picking a grape from a bunch of them. His head caves in and Vision is no more. Love it. I hated Vision and Paul Bettany's voice for that matter. Thor then attacks, leading his axe called Stormbreaker, straight into the chest of Thanos, who utters the chilling words,' You should've gone for the head'. He snaps his fingers before teleporting away. On a faraway world, he finds a young Gamora who asks him if 'it's done' and 'what did it cost', to which he replies, 'everything'. Back to Thor and his face is one of distress. Thanos' gauntlet is now battered from all the effort.
The goal of cancelling out half of the universe begins. People begin to turn to dust. This goes for Panther, Bucky, Quill, Drax, Falcon, Mantis and Maximoff. Out of all of them, they are still beaten by the death of Spiderman, who shows his youth and character by announcing to Tony how scared he is. Yet another scene where anyone can choke up! Thanos is seen fully healed and sitting on a green planet, that could easily still be Earth and up the Brecon Beacons. Looking chuffed that he has finished his mission.
Obviously, there are going to be post-credits scenes. This one takes us back to Earth and everyone turning to dust. We catch up with my other hated person and not a character but the actor. Nick Fury, played by Sam Jackson, is seen feeling a little weird, taking out his pager before turning to dust. The camera zooms in and we see the pager revealing Captain Marvel's symbol. Done.
WOW. Where do I even start with this? Even I say I'll start small and discuss the musical score, it'll still wouldn't be just a minor part. The music used for such parts as Gamora's death, Thor's entrance and watching Thanos kick ass was exceptional. Then there was the lack of music as people were turning to dust, which gave everything an eerie feel. Watching the moment back where Peter Parker died was a hard one to take. The lack of musical score made it. As for the cast, every single person shone and apart from my dislike of the character Vision and Paul Bettany anyway, you couldn't really pick up a flaw. Josh Brolin as Thanos was CGI but that voice and those quotes will echo through the MCU for a long time. The look of the movie, the effects, the fights scenes, everything was so crisp and enjoyable that you will find something new to enjoy every time you re-watch it. The main part, that most would be scared off, was would there be too much to take in, too much storyline and too many characters for one screen? The answer to that would be simply no. It worked so well, in every aspect and wasn't too crowded. The storyline flowed like any other great movie and although it doesn't make you think too much, there were some really clever aspects that I didn't see coming. One would be Thanos knowing the time stone would be important in order to collect the final one. I may not have written the review in the correct order of the movie but you'll just have to watch it. I have to agree with one bad thing though... maybe this big purple guy does have a point. He is looking to save lives, just not in the right kind of way. But still, the guy or Titan, gets results when he does it himself! Just like Marvel.
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